Amazing tips to make your perfect startup pitch.

One of the most important and critical thing for an entrepreneur is to create a perfect startup pitch that would attract Venture Capitalists and customers to their startups.

That being said, most entrepreneurs struggle at making a startup pitch that gets attention and interest from them. Without a clear idea, no venture capitalists would invest and no customers will consume. Creating a startup pitch isn’t really that hard; all it takes is some practice and passion.

Here are few of the most important things when creating you idea startup pitch.

There are 4 Pillars of Great Pitch Delivery:

1. Clarity

An adult’s attention span last no more than 8 seconds so you have to make sure you’re clear from the beginning. JUST REMEMBER, CLARITY TRUMPS PERSUASION!

2. Simplicity

Keep it simple as if you were telling this to a 5 year old kid. Filter out the clutter, big words, and get right to the points using simple, everyday language. YOU HAVE TO FOCUS ON BEING UNDERSTOOD.

3. Passion

Passion makes your pitch much more memorable, different, unique, personal, and engaging. Be enthusiastic about it. PERHAPS, IT MAY OPEN DOORS TO FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES.

4. Practice

Practice makes perfect — talk in front of a mirror, talk in front of your friends. You want to get as much feedback as possible to refine and strengthen the pitch of your delivery.

There are SIX steps to a successful pitch:

1. Hook em' Up!

Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists are being pitched to everyday by hundreds and hundreds of people every day. You want to stand out and grab their attention. You want to start out with something catchy, compelling, and interesting.

2. Propose The Problem

You have to make the audience and VC realize that the problem actually exists and how it impacts our everyday life. You have to make them feel “some pain” so they seek for some remedy, aka your solution to the problem.

3. Show-Time

Discuss about how you solve the problem but you got to be creative on this one. You have to capture the desires and need of the VC and Angel Investors with something new and creative that catches their minds and eyes. You have to differentiate yourself. What can you offer that no one else can?

4. It's a Team Game

Venture Capitalists invest, not only on your startup, but the people that are involved in it. You and your team members could be really essential to deal breakers. As much as it matters about the idea, what matters more is being able to execute them; being able to turn those “ideas” into reality. VC look whether you have the capability to execute or not. Show positive examples, dedication, and determination to get your work done.

5. Focus on Traction

How engaging is your product within the market? If you can build enough traction from consumers, the VC will jump in to invest what your startup has to offer. For example, Groupon achieved multi-million dollar investment from investors despite the hundreds of copycat companies that were in the market simply through traction and follow base.

6. The Game Winner Clincher!

This is your chance to ask for business cards, give out business cards, or even ask an Investor to personally meet up with him/her. Take advantage of this opportunity. It’s not how you start, but it’s how you end. End strong.

These are few of the things that will help you with your startup pitch. But what are some top rookie mistakes Entrepreneurs make when pitching to VC? Stay tuned.

About Author

Keshav Narula

CEO and Founder at SocialNova